Imagination Ink International

Imagination Ink! International
Items arrived today. What can I say? I am extremely pleased with the photos, it looks better than on Ebay and the additional pictures are just superb. Thank you very much. One of the best purchases I’ve made on Ebay. You did mention in one of your previous emails you were testing the marketplace. It is a specialised subject but do wish you every success. The product is excellent and there are many enthusiasts like myself out there. As a veteran of Air Show events I am sure you will generate a lot of interest, especially on days that feature WWII aircraft.
Hello David
I just got the Julian Sale Halifax prints. Fantastic! Great work by you and your crew! Thanks also for both the B&W and color copies, and for the detail of adding his name and the wings. A classy touch. The Bomber Command crest looks good too. Perfect composition and symmetry. I and others of the family thank you. These pictues will stay with Julian’s memorial for a long time. I’m sure, I think you’ve got a great idea, you could do this with many other aircraft. The internet opens up a big market (the whole world) for this kind of thing, and I wish you well at this endeavour. Thanks again from a very satisfied customer. And best regards. David L. Erickson.
Len Davies – CEO Spectrum Multimedia VP/Producer/Director at Re-Start America Media Network – Los Angeles, California
This amazing piece of art by the incredibly talented David Bloor says it all. He asked me to share as a non-profit picture with the intention of encouraging donations to the various charities. We will remember them.
Another print from the incredibly talented David Bloor to commemorate remembrance week. Please share as far as you can to raise awareness of all who fought and died in the previous wars. We shall remember them. (Len Davies Oct 30th 2016)
I keep looking at the prints and am more impressed and still delighted with them. I am the proud owner,builder and Manager of a website that is dedicated to the RAF 213 Squadron Association. If you have a website showing your merchandise I would be quite happy to include a link to your page. Most of the Hurricane guys are reaching an age that they would not be into PC’s and the web although I do have one Hurricane pilot who writes occasionally. However, the guys involved in Suez circa 1953 flew Tempests and Vampires and the later Squadron guys in Germany flew B1(6) Canberras, so there may be a small market there for you. The site is www.213squadronassociation.homestead.com so you can have an idea of the layout. Wish you all the best. Brian.
Hi David. Prints received today. They are Excellent! 200% Pleased – Thank You!
Kind Regards,
Phil Rhodes
Cheers dave! Got it today!! My Dad will love it!!! Thanks again. Chris
Hi David was going to e-mail you anyway to say how pleased I am with the pictures……they came out beautifully, thank you so much. I also appreciate the smaller sized prints you did for me, I was only expecting the one, but now I can keep one myself, and give the other to my father and grandfather….again, thank you! I left feedback on Thursday, but wanted to e-mail you personally to say what a pleasure it was to do business with you, and that if anything else comes up I will come straight to you. Thanks again; I know you’ve made my grandad’s Christmas for him!
Hi David, received the prints, thanks. More than I expected. I have left feedback on Ebay, but wanted to reply personally as well. Appreciate very much your work, right from when I first started corresponding with you re. my requirements. It’s good to deal with a real professional. Thanks again. Graham.
David, I had to email you to thank you most sincerely for the obvious effort that went into my father’s print. It is wonderful and I am sure will be very well received at Christmas. I will leave excellent feedback for you at Ebay today. Should you for any reason need a third party reference for the service you offer please do not hesitate to give my name and email address and I will happily sent the person a glowing reference. All the best –Tony
Hello David, the photos arrived today and I’m absolutely delighted with them. They are far better than I imagined they would be and will be really appreciated. I’ll certainly leave you positive feedback. Many thanks. Maureen.
I have received the print. Am extremely pleases with the results and it will make and excellent gift once framed for my mother. If you advertise what you are doing with a link to Bomber Command egroup I think more business would be forthcoming see link below
regards and many thanks for an excellent presentation piece.
mailto: badkarhma@onebox.com
Dear David, I just received the pictures of My Dad and the Spit’s and let me tell you they are fabulous!! I could have never contemplated them being this magnificent! They have to be, by far the best thing I have ever bought off Ebay, and I have bought quite a few things, let me tell you! I am very glad to have done business with you, it has been a great experience, I think my Dad will be VERY pleased with them, and just as happy that it was done by a fellow Englishman! I will definitely be looking you up in the future. Thank you so much for all that you have done, Merry Christmas to you, and yours, Cheers Jay
Hi David, Just to let you know that the print arrived this morning. Thank you so much! They are all stunning. Dads going to be so pleased with them. We are all very impressed with the high quality. It’s a shame that I did not go through Ebay, I could have left great feedback for you. But word of mouth is the best advertising of all and I shall be telling everyone about the wonderful job you have done. Will let you know his reaction after Christmas. I do hope that you and your family have a magical Christmas and wish you and your family and business all the best fo the New Year. Kindest Regards Caron.
David, Thank you! Dad loved the print! He was quite overwhelmed by it. Mum said it was magnificent! The whole family have marvelled at it and it just leaves me one problem…..what do I give him next Christmas? It’s going to be hard to find something as special. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year. Kindest regards. Caron.
Hi David. Just a quick note to thank you again for the Lancaster print I bought from you just before Christmas. The look on my grandad’s face was great as he opened it, and realised who the chap in the photo was! Thanks for offering such an excellent and pleasant service. Best regards, Tony Butcher
Dear David, Thank you so very much! The print arrived this morning and I was amazed at the quality of your work and also for the other copies included. I wish there had been more characters to use for your feedback I left for you as I couldn’t really give you the praise you deserved with so few letters. I am not very good at wording things. My husband always says I go round the houses before I get to the front door. Anyway, he will be so chuffed with this belated birthday gift. It is BRILLIANT thank you so very very much. Never expected it to be anywhere as good as that. Yours gratefully, Carol Nicol.
Hi David, I am wondering if you are able to do a larger print of the same as the ones you sent me(with my husbands photo) we are so delighted with them. We have a beautiful framed photo of a spitfire and the print before the framing and insert is 15x 21 and would like to get the Lancaster print in the same size so we can get it framed. Is this possible for you to do. We could get it copied from the original you have sent by our local photographer but would prefer to have it done by yourself as your work is second to none. We are so chuffed with it.
Hi David, just a short note to express my gratitude and praise for the job you did on the Avro Lancaster print. It turned out fantastic. The best part was when I showed to to my uncle and presented him with one of the prints. I had him sign them and put his squadron number on the main print. He was one proud and honoured man to say the least. Thanks again, Rusty
Thanks David. Just got back and pleased to say he was really pleased, in fact it was probably the best gift he has received from me, he was more than effusive and I too was thrilled with the results. Hope to be in touch again,do you ever do something similar with the Swordfish as may have someone who could use your talents for that application. Meantime best regards and many thanks, Roger.
David: Just wanted to let you know I received the Lancaster print(s) yesterday. I was very impressed with your work. The multiple copies were unexpected and a great added touch. I left positive feedback for you but wanted to send a personal note of thanks for the great job and the fast service. Thanks again. T.G.Bradbeer
Hi David just received the Spitfire pic. I didn’t know what to expect but it’s absolutely amazing. Am so pleased and can’t wait to see my fella’s face as Xmas when he sees it. Thanks again for a brilliant item. Lynne
Hi David, I received he spitfire pictures today, they’re fabulous! They’re so good I would like to get another for one of our friends for Christmas, if I send you another photo, please could you do me the mosquito print? Let me know and I’ll just send you the payment via PayPal. Kind regards Carla
Hello David, I have just received the prints. They have far exceeded my expectations. Thank you so much. I have left positive feedback and I thank you for yours. I really appreciate what you have done. My mother-in-law will be reduced to tears (in the nicest possible way)! Thank you again. Regards Clare
Brilliant!!! Many thanks David.
Dear David, I just wanted to let you know I received the poster and am so thrilled with everything, it is nicer than I had ever imagined, you have done a beautiful job and I can’t wait to see my son’s face on Christmas Day. It was nice doing business with you and you were so helpful, I hope to be able to leave some extra feedback on Ebay for you and I look forward to ordering from you again in the future. I sure will show all my friends/family. Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas. Sincerely Christine.
Dear David, Thank you for your prompt response, the prints are very good and my father will be very pleased. As my father belongs to an aircrew association I feel sure he will recommend your services to other members.Wishing you a happy Christmas and new year. Yours sincerely, Michael.
Hi David, just thought I would let you know how pleased I am with the finished product. Had I mounted in a lovely frame and it looks great. I am sure Dad will love it. Thanks for the two smaller prints as well, I didn’t expect that so it was a nice bonus. Regards Nigel.
Further to my email yesterday. Received the prints this morning and I must say I am very impressed with your workmanship and value for money. Well done! Regards David Kirby.
Hello David, just a quick note to let you know the pictures arrived today. They are fantastic, and more than I expected.
Many many thanks David. Received the photos in the post this morning and they are superb. My father will be delighted when he receives it as a Valentines gift this weekend! Fantastic service.
Thanks I’ve already posted feedback, the prints were excellent, thank you very much and thanks for your work on the aircraft detail and the jacket badge. You were right the the colour photo was the best choice and its great. The recipient will have to wait a few week until 20th March before he gets his surprise! Once again thanks for a great job! Tony Osborne.
Hi David, Thank you very much for the wonderful print. I am sure my friends’ husband will be thrilled with it. I will leave feedback for you. Many thanks Sue.
Hello David, the aviation print arrived today. I AM THRILLED with the results. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I really like your work. Wynne Lienhardt.
Hello David, the prints arrived on Friday. We are over the moon with them. We never imagined they would turn out so good with the prints we sent you to work from. The quality and clarify of the prints are truly amazing, we can’ wait to get them mounted and on display. We are now thinking of other projects that might be possible for you to undertake. By the way, we were surprised to have received so many prints, do we owe you any more money for them? I will leave you positive feedback when I am on Ebay soon. Very many thanks. John
Hi David, Just a line to say thank you for the wonderful job you’ve done on the picture of Lancaster P4-D. I am absolutely delighted. I have put feedback on Ebay but ran out of room. Cheers! Pat Quickfall
David, I am amazed! I expected an excellent job as a result of your previous feedback, but your work exceeded even those high expectations. And even with my extra requirements, your price remained excellent. Please accept my congratulations on a job exceptionally well done. I was also delighted to find you have discovered a little more about the aircraft. I only knew previously that it had been ‘borrowed’ by another crew for a mission from which it failed to return. Now I also know when and where. I will put a cheque in the post tonight. Feel free to use any of my words as an endorsement of your service. Many thanks Chris Ottewell.
Hi David, I received the prints this morning and they are absolutely awesome – my dad is going to be blown away by them. Thanks so much for a great service. Merry Christmas when it comes. Sincerely Heather.
Received today, excellent results I will be in touch shortly for my Vulcan print. Regards Keith..
Dear David, just received. Can’t thank you enough, it is a perfect end result and my wife can go to the framers tomorrow. I’m sure my father will be speechless when he receives it next Sunday(11th) and I do prefer the swap of facial image and crests as it means the face is as he will recognise it, not a mirror image. I had actually mentioned swapping them to my wife but we didn’t think there would be enough room for the crests on the right hand side. Your services are definitely being undercharged. I will add a comment to Ebay soon. Best wishes and Happy Christmas Les
Dear Mr.Bloor, the RAF Lancaster print arrived today. Many thanks for such an excellent and prompt service. The picture is exceptional and I know my dad will be very pleased with it ( not to mention surprised!). I know it will take pride of place in the gallery he has of RAF aeroplane prints up in his attic!!! Once again many thanks for such a fantastic quality product, positive feedback has been left on Ebay. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Lynne.
Hi David, I had to do some recovering on my 'puter last week and lost a few things,including email, so I can only contact you this way. Rec`d the bookmarks today; they`re beautiful. I might just put them in a frame rather than use them as bookmarks, they`re so nice. I`ve left feedback for this item, again when I get the clock. Thanks, George cyberfolks@telus.net
Thank you very much for the photos absolutly brilliant, i am going to show a friend and hopefully if they like what they see (i cant see a problem with that) i will ask for two different kinds of photos 1.of a typhoon & 1 of a gt40 car if you can do that then it looks like i will be placing another order. once again thank you
The aircrew examples on ebay look excellent. Do you have a photo composition for a Wellington? - my father in law was a gunner and radio operator at the end of the war and this would make a superb memento for his upcoming 80th birthday. Stuart Black
David - package received today... delighted with the excellent results and the extra prints enclosed. Many thanks for adding the extra touches and the prompt delivery.Stuart Black
Dear David - bookmarks arrived thursday - they are fab. Invoice and payment was returned to you yesterday. Thanks very much for your help Victoria Moore robert@farrell4208.fsnet.co.uk
Dear David,
I have received the picture from yourself and am very pleased with the quality and how quickly you got the item done and sent out to me. I know that my father in law will be very pleased with it. I will leave positive feedback asap.Many thanks once again Simon Page
Dear David
The print has arrived and it's wonderful. Thanks a lot. Cheers Len
Dear David -
Thanks very much for doing the final changes. The picture looks great. You are a master craftsman in this business. I realize you had poor quality inputs to work with. Unfortunately that's all I had to give you. I am really looking forward to seeing the higher quality version from the CD.
Thank you so much for your excellent prints. Sadly Doris, Roys wife, passed away on Wednesday so these prints have even more Poignancy Thank you again Mike Sharp mike.sharp@tiscali.co.uk
Hi David,
Just a quick thank you for the prints,we are extremely pleased with them and I am sure Uncle Terry will be over the moon on Xmas morning! Thanks again,Jim Bowden jfbowden@tiscali.co.uk
Dear David,
What can I say !! I was absolutely speechless when I opened your envelope this morning !! The prints are brilliant !! Even better than I was expecting. Thank you so much. My Dad will be thrilled when he gets them for his birthday next week. Thanks also for the extra photos , they are much appreciated. I will certainly be recommending you to others. Many thanks again, Denise. denisesyms@hotmail.com
Hello David Thank you once again for your excellent quality of print and your professionalism, And all so thank you for the information.
Regards. Nigel nigel.tractor@cytanet.com.cy
David- I was really impressed with the print you did for me thanks very much. my father will be as equally impressed when he receives this on his birthday. I have added this to you feedback. hopefuly I will do busIness with you in the future. best wishes doug gwilt, gloucester.
Hello David,
I have left feedback for you now, but I could not describe how pleased I am with the picture(s). You have clearly made an extra effort to provide a high degree of customer satisfaction. While I have only seen a scan of one picture that my brother sent me, it was very good. My brother is usually a 'tough critic', and he was impressed that you sent about 4 pictures of varying sizes including one black and white. We aren't going to mail them to Canada, I will collect them when I am in England in April. Thank you again, and I will un-hesitatingly reccomend you and your work to any of my friends. Sincere Best Regards, Garry
Hello David,
Received the prints in good order, thanks very much. It brought tears to my dad’s eyes, he is very happy with them. Thank you also for colourizing the photo I sent, that was very nice of you. If you wish to use copies of the Lanc & Mossy with Dad’s photo for a sample when selling on ebay or elsewhere please feel free. Dad say’s that would be ok with him. Once again, Thanks Very Much! Kindest Regards, Michael
What a star you are!!!I promise to let you know his reaction and comments.As you said in the details of your auction...There are few of these "heros" left.Dad flew Lancasters out of East Kirkby airfield which I am sure you know is now a museum with a wonderful Lancaster as its central attraction.Every year they hold a remembrance service for the airmen and ground crews.I have attended this service with my parents and it was very moving.
He is going to be so pleased with this present! Kind Regards Seasons greetings to you and yours, & a very big THANKYOU! Caron.
Mr. JOHN BATESON, Alicedale South Africa.
The print is excellent. I do know that Robert is planning to enlarge and display the print in his personal, ‘War Room’, of memorabilia.
The picture was such a nice surprise as it was a present for my 90th birthday from the family. I was really pleased with my 100 years of the RAF picture because all the planes featured are so iconic and loved by everyone. Many thanks.
ELSPETH LAX, daughter of Wing Commander Bernard Lax MBE. 58 & 502 Squadrons
The 100 Years of the RAF is very special to us, as a family. Dad and I gave my cousin three prints you produced, the one that features Dad he will always treasure. The most recent one you designed of the RAF 100 years Centenary featuring Dad is incredible and everyone will want one that they can own that can be personalised for them. It really is outstanding. Thank you for everything!!
ALAN MICKLEY, Boston Lincs. (Bomber County)
Got my copy via a flash drive,took it to a print shop in Spalding earlier this year, where they printed me a lovely copy, A2 size and its brilliant.Thank you David Bloor, it’s fantastic.
I have printed your lovely picture 'Forgotten Dreams' and it looks really superb, the colours are so vibrant - the whole picture looks absolutely stunning !!